What can we do….as an Organisation?

  1. MBA’s & Executive Development

    If eldership is formed in the cradle of eldership seek ways to get eldership as a module on MBA programmes, and leadership and executive development programmes.

  2. Leadership model

    most leadership models end with leadership, whereas the best leadership models end with the aspiration and movement towards eldership

  3. Embed mentoring

    Embed mentoring into the who organisation for everyone form new arrivals to senior executives. Make it part of the culture. Make it the norm and inspire people to keep on doing it after they leave or retire.

  4. Bring back the retired

    Invited retired employees back as mentors and as special advisors for particular issues and as ongoing practice.

  5. Invest

    Invest in elder awareness for Non Executive Directors and Senior Advisors

  6. Run pre retirement workshops

    Run pre- retirement from 50 years old onwards to embed the understanding and practice of eldership so that it is a habit when people retire from work life

  7. Honour role models

    Leaders to find opportunities to spot, to honour and to recognise the people who are elders around the organisation. Name them and name their qualities.